The Wellington Brass organisation includes three active bands. Champion premier band, a social band (D Grade), and our development band- Buzzing Youth Brass.

With tradition, and a continued quest for musical excellence. We have earned a formidable reputation on the contest stage. Winning 9 National Titles in the last ten Years. We are the only band to have achieved 5 consecutive A Grade National Titles, at the worlds oldest Music Competition.

At Wellington Brass, we contribute to the cultural richness of the region. Fostering collaboration, we have toured with the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra. Performed alongside the Orpheus Choir and Dave Dobbyn, and partnered with the Royal NZ Airforce Band. We have established ourselves as a sought-after ensemble for partnering artists and musical groups.

We do not limit ourselves to the stage. Our music features on the radio, in feature-length film and we take our music to the streets and perform many iconic Wellington locations for civic events and ceremony to festival and fanfare!

Championing Brass Music since 1905!

Recognised on the international stage. We are celebrated locally for our pioneering approach and performance excellence.

Banding brings us together! Wellington Brass believes that our music unites the community.

Our goal at Wellington Brass is to share music through diverse and innovative concert programs. Through our education and outreach efforts, we welcome over 100 musicians to the Wellington Brass family.

Governance and Honours


Simon Woolf


Charlotte Hoare

Kate Pilkington

Daniel Dalgleish

Executive Officer (Band Manager)
Reuben Brown

Committee Members
Rowena Howard
Mark Davey
Garth Coffey
James Sutherland
Martyn Smith

Band Coordinator
Patrick Di Somma

Production and Archives Assistant
Mollie Cornfield

Facilities Manager
Grant Myhill


Lew Robinson
Chook Henderson
Gordon Jenkins
Gordon Sutherland
Leighton Roberts
Richard Marx

Drum Major
Matthew Stein

Life Members

Jack Schaef +
Garth Downey
Chook Henderson
Norman Goffin +
Colin Rodgers
Gordon Jenkins
Don Bly
Ian Billington
Ian Marriner
Graeme Coomer
Merv Allison
Clive Cunnliffe
Neville Cudby +
Malcolm Milne
Gary Osborn
Alistair Murray
Trish Wills
James Sutherland
Leighton Roberts
Andrew Weir

W Crump +
C Patchett +
H Liardet +
R Anderson +
Angus Burns +
J Lloyd +
E O’Brien +
H Tankhard +
M Cable +
E Franklyn +
W J Kay +
H S Sparkes +
B J Tonkin +
C L Tunnicliffe +
H E Hewitt +
H J Jeffries +
G R Robinson +
A Burns +
Brian Hayden +

+Life Members who have served.